Turn Again to
If I should die and leave you here awhile, Be not like others, sore undone, who keep Long vigils by the silent dust, and weep For my sake -- turn again to
life and smile, Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do Something to comfort other hearts than thine. Complete
those dear unfinished tasks of mine And I, perchance, may therein comfort you. --A.
Price Hughes (read at Princess Diana's funeral by her sister, Sarah McCorquodale)
"When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes your priceless treasure. It also drives
your passion, becomes your cause, and leads you to action."--The Shaken Baby Alliance
Our Beginning
On July
2, 2006, we lost our "Sunshine," Reagan Emery Williams, 2 1/2, a victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome. In the days
that followed, neighbors took up a collection, and that gift, along with donations which came in from friends and relatives
around the country, was the seed money for what would become Reagan's Rescue, a 501(c)(3) Public Charity and
SBS Advocacy Group. Through ongoing fundraising efforts and because of the outpouring of support in our community,
especially the generosity of local business partners, Reagan's family has begun the project of a lifetime.
We could not save Reagan from domestic abuse, but we can intervene in the lives of other children who daily live in peril.
In this way, our Reagan will be a cause and not just a statistic.
Mission Statement
This organization's mission is two-fold: 1) to bring Shaken Baby
Syndrome awareness and education to the people of East Central Illinois, and 2) to support local organizations which aid families-
and children-at-risk.
What drives us? This astonishing fact: Shaken Baby Syndrome is 100% preventable.

The butterfly--a symbol of rebirth. Reagan's favorite. |

Our logo |